About Wrestling - V

Wrestling is a demanding sport that requires a large amount of self-discipline, determination and strength. These are all qualities that Gryphons wrestling coach, Brendan Gorham, admires in his team. Gorham has helped transform the wrestling program into something notable,beginning all the way back to 2003. His coaching philosophy encourages his wrestlers to uniteas a team and work relentlessly. “I believe the coach’s main priorities should be teaching hustle, teamwork, discipline and sportsmanship. Of course, you can’t be successful without a game plan and strategic execution, but the Xs and Os are secondary to the lessons about working together and pushing themselves”.



Josh Taube '21


Gryphon Athletics. On the playing field, as in the classroom, St. George's promotes citizenship and leadership, teaches sportsmanship and fair play, and aims to inspire a passionate pursuit of excellence. St. George’s athletic program gives the school another meaningful way to enrich the lives of its students through athletic experiences.